Saturday, November 22, 2008

Mad Men

Apparently like every other girl who lusts after mid-century fashion, I have fallen in love with AMC's Mad Men. Not only is it an engaging and thoroughly original-feeling show, but the makers are so detail oriented that everything seems just period perfect. I have a hard time imagining watching the show without inwardly oohing and aahing over all the clothes the women are wearing, even if I do remind myself how constricting and uncomfortable the undergarments must have been at the time. A couple choice looks from Season 1:

I LOVE this blue dress with the button detail topped by that little bow. Adorable and va-va-voom at the same time.

Oh, the bolero with the bow!

Day dresses from the 1940s through early 1960s are my absolute favorite piece of clothing, and comprise the majority of my etsy/ebay searches. I am starting to post pictures of me sporting some of them on my flickr.

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